ACOSS recovery proposals for job creation and poverty reduction

The Australian Council of Social Service has today released proposals for five job-rich measures that will help people and communities to recover from the coronavirus crisis.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said:
“Now more than ever, the virus and bushfires have shown us we must work together to help each other recover and get us on a path to building a better future, with positive ideas that create jobs, and quickly, while strengthening communities.
“We can create thousands of jobs and reduce homelessness through a public infrastructure program to build social housing.We can create even more jobs, cut energy bills and tackle climate change by installing solar and improving energy efficiency in the homes of those who could otherwise not afford to make such upgrades.
“We can commit to preventing long term unemployment. Let’s learn from our past. We can train people up, invest in their skills and smarts, so that they make the most of job opportunities as they return. We can work with employers on creating flexible, fair jobs so that the half a million people or more who will end up relying on JobSeeker Payment for over a year – many of whom have disabilities, caring responsibilities, or face age discrimination – are not left behind.
“Let’s target our fiscal support to people who really need help. With the doubling of JobSeeker widely heralded as a positive measure, we can never go back to the brutality of $40 a day as our unemployment payment, or the unnecessary, harsh treatment of people struck by unemployment.
“As a community, we all need a decent social security system that supports people through their personal recovery, for as long as it takes.”
“We’re looking forward to working with business, unions and government to pursue these recovery ideas, which will tackle our biggest challenges,” Dr Goldie said.

ACOSS’ proposals:
1. Permanently increase income supports to people most in need to stimulate spending and wellbeing
2. Create a national low-income energy productivity program
3. Build 30,000 social housing dwellings to reduce homelessness and deliver jobs
4. Close the gaps in home care services to focus on people most at risk and create jobs
5. Commit to preventing long-term and structural unemployment.

For more information on the proposals read our Economic Recovery Briefing:

