- Latest Updates
- Obtaining JobSeeker and other Centrelink payments
- Help with Centrelink and employment services issues
- Mutual obligation snapshots
- Mutual obligations in the pandemic and other disasters
Latest Updates
9 March 2022
Mutual obligations will resume in Lismore after 28 April 2022. Please contact your provider before a requirement is due if you cannot meet it to avoid a payment suspension.
Check this page for more information in current locations with suspension of mutual obligation requirements
Obtaining JobSeeker and other Centrelink payments
Job seeker payment
If you lose employment, you can find out which payment applies to you on the Services Australia ‘How to get a payment’ page, apply for income support online through MyGov. MyGov may have delays, please try again later if you cannot get through.
We know many people do not have online access – the phone number for accessing the JobSeeker Payment is 132 850.
Before applying in person at a Centrelink office, consider the COVID-19 health restrictions in your state/territory.
Help with Centrelink and employment services issues
There are organisations that can advise and support you if you’re having problems with your income support payment or employment service. Unfortunately, ACOSS is unable to provide advice and support in individual cases.
For legal help with Centrelink payments, visit Economic Justice Australia’s webpage
If you’re facing financial hardship or mental health issues, there are services that can help:
- Legal advice for people with Centrelink (Services Australia) problems including Jobseeker Payment or Youth Allowance penalties
- Department of Education Skills and Employment (DESE) jobseeker help and complaints line: 1800 805 260 (free call from land lines)
- Department of Education Skills and Employment (DESE) contact centre for people receiving online employment services: 1800 314 677 (free call from land lines)
- Support for people with mental health issues: Lifeline (13 11 14), Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service (1800 512 348) or https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/
- Australian Unemployed Workers Union: https://unemployedworkersunion.com/
- Online community service directory: ask Izzy
Mutual obligations during the pandemic and other disasters
When communities are affected by extreme weather events, natural disasters and pandemics such as COVID-19, the federal Government suspends mutual obligation requirements for a period of time. These mutual obligation suspensions are listed on the jobsearch.gov.au/mor webpage.
Mutual obligation suspensions usually mean that penalties for not completing mutual obligation requirements under the Targeted Compliance Framework do not apply. However, it is always important to check what requirements apply to you on the job seeker dashboard, or by checking with your provider, the Digital/National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260.
When Mutual Obligation suspensions are lifted, regular job search and other mutual obligation requirements return.
If you are unable to attend an appointment, activity or meet a job search target, please contact your provider before the date it is due. Providers should be exercising COVID-safe practices and taking into account your situation and labour market conditions when setting requirements for you.
In particular, you should be able to practice COVID safety precautions such as attending COVID testing and self-isolating as required. However, it is important that you contact your provider if you are unable to attend or meet a requirement because of the impact of observing COVID safety pre-cautions before it is due.
There are complex rules in every state depending on the Health Orders that employment services providers should be following in relation to the provision of face-to-face services. If you are unable to meet employment services requirements due to your vaccination status you may be eligible to apply for a medication exemption. Please read this fact sheet for more information. Job Seeker Participant – return to face to face servicing factsheet
Please let [email protected] know if you encounter any issues in this regard.
For updates, check this Government webpage: https://jobsearch.gov.au/mor