ACOSS has welcomed the Government’s new Local Connections to Work initiative which will bring together employment, advice and support services to help disadvantaged job-seekers move into work.
“This new program is a great step toward helping disadvantaged job-seekers who are often juggling a range of serious problems, like homelessness, poor health and financial stresses, that make job search difficult,” said Clare Martin, CEO, Australian Council of Social Service.
“Bringing together employment and community assistance services should make it easier for disadvantaged job-seekers to get the help the need as they move between services.”
The program will bring together supports including financial assistance, advocacy, housing, employment and health support services, education and counselling into one location.
“Tailored, personalised programs which actively help people into work are more likely to lead to better employment and personal outcomes than blanket approaches like compulsory income management,” said Ms Martin.
“Income management targets long-term jobseekers and does not take personal circumstances into account. The $410 million which will be spent on income management over the next five years would be better directed into programs such as the Local Connections to Work programs that actively help people find work.”
Media Contact: Clare Cameron, ACOSS – 0419 626 155