Who: Tessa Boyd-Caine, Deputy CEO, ACOSS and representatives from national housing peak bodies and leading welfare organisations
When: 10.30AM Tuesday July 2, 2013
Where: Senate Courtyard, Parliament House, Canberra
ACOSS will lead a joint press conference of national housing peak bodies and other leading welfare agencies in Canberra today, calling on all political parties to make affordable housing a priority issue at the coming federal election.
The united call follows the release of a disturbing new ACOSS report showing that Australia’s housing affordability crisis is having a devastating impact, particularly for people on the lowest incomes who are falling deeper into poverty.
It also comes on the back of last night’s powerful ABC Four Corners program highlighting the plight of people struggling to maintain secure accommodation on the low $35 a day Newstart Allowance.
The groups will outline the priorities their organisations see for an incoming government to respond to this critical situation.
Media Contact: Fernando de Freitas 0419 626 155
Spokespeople attending the doorstop:
Tessa Boyd-Caine – Deputy CEO, ACOSS
Kelvin Alley – Spokesperson, The Salvation Army
Roland Manderson – Acting Executive Director, Anglicare Australia
John Falzon – CE, St Vincent de Paul Society, National Council
Adrian Pisarski, CEO, National Shelter
Jennifer Clarke, spokesperson, Homelessness Australia
Eddy Bourke, Acting Executive Officer, Community Housing Federation of Australia