ACOSS welcomes Senate Inquiry into Government’s JobSeeker decision

The Australian Council of Social Service welcomes the decision by the Australian Senate to refer the Government’s pitiful JobSeeker legislation to an Inquiry.

ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said:

“Through this Inquiry, people on JobSeeker can share with Senators from across the political spectrum why the Government’s paltry excuse for an increase is so inadequate.

“We thank people on JobSeeker for all they have already done in speaking out about how impossible it is to get by on so little.

“The community sector, union movement, business community, economists and academics will also be able to confirm their view that $44 a day is nowhere near enough.

“The Australian Parliament has the power to amend the Government’s legislation to improve the increase beyond the paltry $3.57 a day the Government announced this week.

“We are urging the Parliament to stand up for the millions of people, including hundreds of thousands of children, condemned to poverty by the Government’s heartless JobSeeker position,” Dr Goldie said.

Information on the Inquiry and making a submission should be available here soon.