ACOSS welcomes the Albanese Government’s new Ministry and looks forward to working with the government to secure positive change for the community.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said:
“We stand ready to work with the new government on achieving equality, lifting the incomes of people doing it the toughest and taking fair, fast and inclusive action on climate change. We very much look forward to working with the Prime Minister, Treasurer and whole of government, alongside the ACTU and business groups, on the forthcoming Jobs Summit and full employment, which is a high priority for us all.
“We welcome the diversity and gender balance in the new Ministry, which is an important step towards having a Parliament and leadership that is more reflective of our community and more able to meet the challenges we all face.
“The community sector has been at the forefront of helping people get through natural disasters, the pandemic and the economic disruption that went with these crises. We congratulate the new Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Amanda Rishworth on her role, and look forward to working together to strengthen the community sector and to ensure people on the lowest incomes can cover the basics, delivering positive outcomes for the community.
“We also extend our congratulations to the Hon. Justine Elliot on becoming Assistant Minster for Social Services and Prevention of Family Violence and to the Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh MP on becoming Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, and we look forward to working with them.
“It is wonderful to see the Hon. Linda Burney become Minister for Indigenous Australians, leading the work on the Uluru Statement from the Heart, as well as the appointments of Senator Malarndirri McCarthy as Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians and for Indigenous Health and Senator Pat Dodson as the Special Envoy for Reconciliation and implementation of Uluru Statement of the Heart. We are ready to support the Minister and Senators in any way we can on the implementation of the Uluru Statement and a referendum on a voice to parliament. We also congratulate Minister Burney on her excellent work as Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services and thank her for her constructive work in this role.
“ACOSS is very pleased to see the prioritisation of housing and homelessness with the elevation of the Minister for Housing and Homelessness to Cabinet. We congratulate the Hon Julie Collins on assuming this role and look forward to working with Minister Collins on addressing the housing affordability crisis affecting so many in our community.
ACOSS also congratulates and stands ready to work with:
- The Hon. Tony Burke Minister for Employment and Workplace relations and The Hon. Brendan O’Connor MP Minister for Skills and Training. We look forward to working together on delivering tailored employment services that enable people without paid work get secure and sustainable jobs.
- The Hon. Bill Shorten, Minister for the NDIS and Government Services on ensuring people with disability have access to the essential services they need, and Centrelink is properly resourced to help people when they need income support. We also look forward to working with Minister Shorten on the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Robodebt.
- The Hon. Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy. Supporting the community to transition to clean energy in a way that is inclusive of people on the lowest incomes, is fair to people who rely on non-renewable energy and is fast, must be a priority.
- The Hon. Dr Jim Chalmers the Treasurer and Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher the Finance Minister, and we look forward to work with him and Treasury to secure the revenue the country needs to deliver the essential services upon which we all rely.
“ACOSS congratulates all who have entered the new Government’s ministry and look forward to working on building a brighter future for Australia.”