Who: Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA)
When: 1.30 – 4.15 pm, Monday 14 October 2013
Where: Heritage Room, Tamworth Community Centre, corner Peel and Darling Streets, Tamworth
ACOSS and the National Rural Health Alliance will launch a new snapshot on poverty in rural and regional Australia as part of Anti-Poverty Week on Monday 14 October 2013.
The report, ‘A Snapshot of poverty in rural and regional Australia’ will shine the spotlight on the extent of poverty and other disadvantage outside Australia’s major capital cities, and the devastating impact on people’s lives, country towns and communities.
For more information or to arrange interviews contact:
Fernando de Freitas (ACOSS) – 0419 626 155
Penny Hanley (NRHA) – 0430 102 488
Find out more about the snapshot and the launch in Tamworth here.
Speakers include:
• Dr Jenny May, Rural GP academic, University of Newcastle, and National Rural Health Alliance
• Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, Deputy CEO, Australian Council of Social Service
• Dr David Briggs, Chairman, New England Medicare Local
• Rosemary Young, Former CEO of Frontier Services
Forum: Presentations from local service organisations about challenges in housing, employment and community services
• Jim Booth, Service Manager, Richmond PRA
• Sue Snook, Manager Family Services, Tamworth Family Support Services
• Julie Green, Manager Children Services, Tamworth Family Support Services