The Australian Council of Social Service said a new report released today supports its own findings showing that attracting and retaining staff remains one of the most significant challenges facing Australia’s Not-For-Profit sector.
The Maxxia Workplace Insights: 2013 Not-for-Profit Sentiment Study, involving more than 1850 leaders and employees from the NFP sector, found people who work in the non-profit sector are generally happier and more satisfied than workers from other sectors, however around 50% of managers have considered leaving their organisation for career development and better pay.
Speaking from the Report’s launch, ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie said, “This confirms the findings of our own Australian Community Sector Survey, which for many years has pointed to this being a major issue for the sector.
“Clearly we need to work harder to ensure we can attract and retain the right mix of skilled and qualified staff. This is critical for the long-term sustainability of our vital sector, as well as its effectiveness.
“The wider Not-For-Profit sector employs nearly one million people, or around 8 per cent of Australia’s total workforce, and the most recent figures indicate it contributes 5% of Gross Domestic Product.
“Health and community services in particular are the fastest growing areas of employment, yet we still don’t have employment pathways and pay levels that are on par with other sectors.
“It’s pleasing to know that most people who work in the sector derive a great deal of satisfaction from being part of organisations that help others. This is extremely rewarding and a key driver in attracting staff. However, as this new report shows, there is much work to be done to improve the systems that will keep good employees, especially in terms of career development and performance review processes, and remuneration.
“It is significant that human resources managers have identified this as their greatest challenge. As the peak body for Australia’s community and social services sector, ACOSS will continue to highlight these issues and work with our members and other stakeholders, including government and business to ensure the long term sustainability of our crucial sector,” Dr Goldie said.
Media Contact: Fernando de Freitas 0419 626 155
Maxxia Workplace Insights: 2013 Not-for-Profit Sentiment Study here.