ACOSS Press Conference
Who: Cassandra Goldie, CEO, Australian Council of Social Service
When: 12.30pm Wednesday March 19, 2014
Where: ACOSS, Level 2, 619 Elizabeth St Redfern
An new OECD report shows that there has been an increase in child poverty in Australia:
14% of Australians are surviving on less than 50% of median income, while the OECD average is only 11%. This rate is higher than the UK, Greece and New Zealand, and the 7th highest out of the 34 OECD countries.
Australia’s social spending as a proportion of GDP is lower at 19% than the OECD average of 22%.
Child poverty increased between 2007 and 2010.
Poverty among the aged has decreased mainly due to an increase in the age pension.
While income inequality in Australia has remained stable, it is still above the OECD average.
ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie will respond to report findings and set out the measures needed to turn the tide in this disturbing trend. She will argue that reducing poverty should be the final test of any measures to return to a balanced budget.
OECD report available at: