We believe that a company tax cut is a mistake while almost 3 million people live in poverty.
It is unconscionable to pursue company tax cuts while refusing to raise the rate of Newstart and other allowances.
If the Senate allows these tax cuts to go through while the budget is still in deficit, further budget cuts are inevitable. We are concerned that already disadvantaged Australians may pay more for health, education and community services.
Signed by:
- Kasy Chambers, Executive Director, Anglicare Australia
- Rev Tim Costello, Chair, Community Council of Australia
- Fr Frank Brennan, CEO, Catholic Social Services Australia
- Jenny Smith, CEO, Council to Homeless Persons
- Dr Jackie Huggins, Rod Little, Co-Chairs, National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
- Pat Turner, CEO, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (NACCHO)
- Nassim Arrage, CEO, National Asssociation of Community Legal Centres (NACLC)
- Helen Szoke, CEO, Oxfam
- Lieut-Colonel Laurie Robertson, National Secretary for Government Relations, The Salvation Army
- John Falzon, CEO, St Vincent de Paul National Council
- Claerwen Little, National Director, UnitingCare Australia
- Cassandra Goldie, CEO, Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)