Who: ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie and representatives from Australia’s Community Sector
When: 10.30am Wednesday, May 13, 2014
Where: Senate Courtyard, Parliament House, Canberra
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie will be joined by representatives from national charities and community sector organisations to provide a comprehensive response to the Budget at a press conference at 10.30am on Wednesday morning, in the Senate Courtyard of Parliament House in Canberra.
The groups will provide their reaction to announcements in the Budget which impact on people living on low incomes and others who are vulnerable in our community.
Media Contact: Fernando de Freitas 0419 626 155
Attendees at the press conference include:
• Cassandra Goldie, CEO, Australian Council of Social Service
• Ian Yates, Chief Executive, Council on The Aging
• Samantha Page, CEO, Early Childhood Australia
• Terese Edwards, CEO, National Council of Single Mothers & their Children
• Leo Fieldgrass, National Director, Australian Youth Affairs Coalition
• Matthew Wright, CEO, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
• Therese Sands, CEO, People with Disability Australia
• Michael Smith, Chair, National Association of Community Legal Centres
• Marc Purcell, Australian Council for International Development
• John Falzon, CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society, National Council of Australia
• Marcelle Mogg, CEO, Catholic Social Services Australia
• Olympia Yarger, Media Advisor, Family and Relationship Services Australia
• Kate Beaumont, President, National Welfare Rights Network
• Mary Mallett, CEO, Disability Advocacy Network Australia
• Ara Cresswell, CEO, Carers Australia
• Glenda Stevens, CEO, Homelessness Australia
• Carol Croce, CEO, Community Housing Federation of Australia
• Kelvin Alley, National Secretary, The Salvation Army National Secretariat
• Roland Manderson, Deputy Director, Anglicare Australia
• Susan Helyar, Director, ACTCOSS
• Jo Briskey, Executive Director, The Parenthood
More information:
ACOSS Budget recommendations:
Budget must chart a fairer path back to surplus: ACOSS
ACOSS response to Families Package:
New child care investment welcome, but overall package is unbalanced and unfair
ACOSS response to Pension Reform:
Step in right direction on retirement incomes, much more to be done