When: 10.30AM, Thursday, March 27, 2014
- Adrian Pisarski, National Shelter
- Glenda Stevens, Homelessness Australia
- Carmel Rosier, Community Housing Federation of Australia
- Cassandra Goldie, CEO, Australian Council for Social Service (ACOSS)
What: Press conference on housing affordability crisis and Senate Economics References Committee Inquiry into Affordable Housing
Where: Senate Courtyard, Australian Parliament House, Canberra
Housing supply and affordability are in crisis.
Australia was short 228,000 dwellings at the time of the most recent national census. The shortage has driven price inflation and locked many out of access to housing, particularly those experiencing poverty and disadvantage.
Leading housing organisations and peak bodies will tomorrow unite and demand a coordinated national agenda led by the Federal Government, as they tender their submissions to the Senate Inquiry into Affordable Housing.
The groups will urge Government to implement reforms to negative gearing and capital gains tax arrangements in order to stimulate supply of new and affordable housing stock.
They will call for Budget certainty on the future of the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) and the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS).
The NPAH funds 180 homelessness services around the country, including 39 family violence services.
The NRAS, in the five years to June 2013, delivered almost 15,000 dwellings, with almost 24,000 under construction. It has provided secure, affordable housing to many people on low and moderate incomes, including people at risk of homelessness. The Scheme plays a key role in stimulating private investment in affordable rental housing at a time when the scarcity of supply is contributing to high rents.
Submissions to the Affordable Housing Inquiry are available here or by contacting the below spokespeople.
For comment:
Cassandra Goldie, Australian Council for Social Service (ACOSS), on 0419 626 155 or [email protected]
Adrian Pisarski, National Shelter, on 0417 975 270
Carmel Rosier, Community Housing Federation of Australia, on 0405 245 512 or [email protected]
Glenda Stevens, Homelessness Australia, on 0405 900 360 or [email protected]