ACOSS marks the beginning of Anti-Poverty Week 2017
ACOSS will kick off Anti-Poverty Week 2017 with a special gathering and press conference on Sunday 15 October at Weave Youth & Community Services in Waterloo in Sydney.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie will be joined by former Minister for Social Security, the Honourable Brian Howe AO, who led the Hawke Government’s Family Package, which reduced child poverty in Australia by 30 per cent.
They will be joined by leading social policy researcher Professor Peter Whiteford, community workers and people with lived experience of poverty to this special event to mark the start of Anti-Poverty Week.
Thirty years on from Bob Hawke’s pledge, speakers will call for a new national effort to tackle growing child poverty in Australia, and an end to damaging cuts to our social safety net currently before Federal Parliament, which will make poverty worse.
With over three million people living in poverty, including 731,000 children, our nation is crying out for a similar effort today. The Sustainable Development Goals set a new target for us of halving the proportion of children, men and women living in poverty by 2030.
Please join us to honour that legacy and shine a light on poverty today. Together we can end poverty – we just need the political will to make it happen!
Event will run from 10.00am to 12.00pm (Sydney time), with the Press Conference taking place at 10.30am and morning tea to follow.
Weave Youth & Community Services
1B Elizabeth St, Waterloo NSW 2017
Map here: Situated at southern end of Waterloo Park near corner of Allen Street.
Numbers for this event are limited so please RSVP as soon as possible. Register at: