The National COSS Network has today collectively renewed our call for the Australian community to deliver a Yes vote in support of marriage equality. We bring this joint statement at this point as a final push to encourage a yes vote and to urge people to post their votes.
The COSS CEOs said: “Each day, people directly affected by the denial of the human right to marry the person you love, are forced to keep sharing their intimate stories of pain, distress, love and hope. We will continue to do so as we build the unstoppable force for change.
“Our firm support for marriage equality is based on our strong commitment to equality and non-discrimination as a human right.
“We thank the tireless efforts of the groundswell of politicians and people campaigning in support of this essential change. We applaud all those across Australian society who continue to speak up and reach out in support of marriage equality.
“Across Australia, people campaigning for marriage equality are acting in love and support for their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, children, friends, neighbours, communities, those we work along side and the decency of Australian society.
“We also urge people considering a No vote to spend time listening to people directly affected by being denied the ability to get married under Australian Federal Law. We encourage people to hear how important marriage equality is to people directly affected, their families, children and communities.
“As long as loving same sex relationships are invalidated through the failure to permit marriage equality under Federal Law, people affected remain virtual second class citizens. As long as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people continue to suffer discrimination in the workplace, in our schools and in the streets through bullying, harassment and violence, those affected remain on the margins of society. As long as our diverse community continues to experience higher rates of suicide, elevated rates of mental health issues and poorer health outcomes, we will be prevented from reaching our full potential as individuals and as a society.
“The time for change is now.
“We urge the Australian public to vote Yes and support equality for all regardless on their sexuality or gender identity.”
Contact: Australian Council of Social Service, 0419 626 155