The Australian Council of Social Service has welcomed today’s announcement that funding will be set aside in this year’s federal budget to launch a national disability insurance scheme a year ahead of schedule.
“This is great news for the great many people in Australia with disability, and their families and carers,” said ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie.
“Up to now the main obstacle has been concerns about how to fund such a scheme, but the reality is that we simply can’t afford not to have an NDIS. It’s long overdue and this development should be applauded.
“This is a fundamental reform of the National Disability Strategy and also in line with our obligations under international conventions.
“We would also expect an allocation of funding for safeguarding and advocacy, and the building of capacity amongst people with disability to become NDIS ready.
“We call on all sides of politics to back up their support for an NDIS with a funding commitment to match the overwhelming support for this scheme in the wider community.
“ACOSS and its members look forward to working closely with the Federal and State and Territory Governments on implementation, Dr Goldie said.
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