Who: ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, UNICEF Australia spokesperson Tim O’Connor, and spokespeople from Australia’s community sector
When: 12.15pm Tuesday 12 November 2013
Where: NAB Building, Level 15, 255 George St, Sydney
The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), will hold a joint doorstop at 12.15pm on Tuesday 12th November to call on the new Australian parliament to make tackling growing child poverty a national priority and commit to do more to reduce the problem globally.
On the first day of the 44th parliament, the two organisations will be joined by representatives from leading child welfare agencies and peak bodies to urge all sides of politics, business and the community to come together to develop a comprehensive national poverty reduction plan as a key plank of the effort to improve participation and productivity, and secure a sustainable revenue base to meet the future needs of our nation.
The call will be made at the ACOSS policy Forum titled, ‘Turning the tide on growing child poverty in Australia’ which will bring together child welfare experts from Australia and overseas, as well as agencies and frontline workers, to map out the way forward in this important area of public policy.
Find out more about the forum, including program and speakers here.
To confirm attendance at 12.15pm doorstop and arrange media interviews contact:
ACOSS – Fernando de Freitas 0419 626 155
UNICEF Australia – Kate Moore 0407 150 771