Who: Dr Cassandra Goldie, ACOSS CEO, and Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, ACOSS Deputy CEO
When: 1.45-2.45pm Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Where: Parliament House, Canberra
ACOSS representatives will appear before a Senate Committee today inquiring into the impact of the Commonwealth Government’s $1 billion cuts to community services.
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie and Deputy CEO Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine will tell the Senate Standing Committees on Community Services the impact of these cuts is already being felt by people on the lowest incomes being felt right across the country.
Watch the hearing streamed live here.
For more information on the cuts:
ACOSS Submission to Inquiry:
More information on the Inquiry:
Public hearing into the impact on service quality, efficiency and sustainability of recent Commonwealth community service tendering processes by the Department of Social Services – Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
Media Contact: Fernando de Freitas – 0419 626 155