The Australian Council of Social Service today welcomed the passing of a motion in the House of Representatives declaring that the rate of Newstart Allowance is too low.
“We praise the Australian Greens motion moved by Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt, which passed the House of Representatives today.” said ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie.
“We now call on our nation’s major political parties to agree to move urgently to legislate an increase in the low payment to help some of the most disadvantaged people in our community.
“The failure to include an increase in the abysmally low $35 a day payment in Tuesday’s Budget was not good enough. It is cruel to now acknowledge the payment is not enough and yet do nothing about it.
“We need to translate this widespread community and now political support into action. We call on the major parties to include a clear commitment to increase income support allowances, such as Newstart, without delay,” said Dr Goldie.
Media Contact: Fernando de Freitas 0419 626 155