ACOSS will call on Parliament to again reject cutting the Energy Supplement at a Senate hearing being held in Melbourne today, along with a number of other civil society groups.
Dr Cassandra Goldie says removing the energy supplement is cutting the incomes of Australia’s most disadvantaged people.
“We cannot fathom why Government persists in trying to cut the incomes of people who have the least,” says Dr Goldie.
“If this Bill goes through, 1.7 million people on the lowest incomes will be worse off, including those paying for accommodation, food, travel costs and day-to-day bills while living on just $38 a day.
“If the energy supplement is cut, people living on Newstart’s $38 a day will lose $4.40 per week.
“Expecting people in Australia to survive on so little is a human rights issue.
“With almost 3 million people living in poverty, including over 730 000 children, the Australian government must focus on how to increase people’s incomes, not slash them.
“The message our members and people in the community are telling us is clear.
“Government’s job is to work with us to end poverty in Australia, not make it worse.
“This latest Bill must again be firmly rejected.”
Senate inquiry ACOSS will appear at 1.15pm to speak at the Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Ending Carbon Tax Compensation) Bill 2017 on Wednesday 26 July 2017
ACOSS’ submission to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Social Services Legislation Amendment (Ending Carbon Tax Compensation) Bill 2017
Copyright 26 July 2017