Wayne Swan kick-starts national debate about ‘fair’ sharing of nation’s wealth @ACOSS Conf’ce

9 March 2012

Australia’s Treasurer Wayne Swan will open this year’s ACOSS National Conference and present the Commonwealth Government’s vision for improving equity and fairness in Australia.

The conference, titled ‘Sharing the Wealth of the Lucky Country’, will provide an ideal platform for the conversation that the Treasurer has been calling for – about ‘the kind of country we want to be’ and how to ensure that everyone shares in the opportunities and prosperity of our great nation.

“This is a critical time in Australia’s history and requires a national conversation so all voices are heard,” said Dr Cassandra Goldie, CEO, Australian council of Social Service.

“Last October’s Tax Forum was an important beginning to bring the community into the discussion, with the community sector well represented, and equally sharing in the debates. The ACOSS Conference will broaden the discussion beyond issues of reform of the economy and taxation to look at the bigger question of who we are as a nation, and the kind of nation we want to be into the future.

“The conference brings together an excellent group of speakers including Annabel Crabb, Don Henry, Eva Cox, Jennifer Westacott, Mark Butler MP, Simon Sheikh, Tanya Plibersek, Tim Costello, George Megalogenis, Sussan Ley and many more.

“They’ll join key leaders, researchers, and other workers in the community sector to dissect a wide range of social policy topics and issues relevant to equality and community service in contemporary Australia.

“We are particularly pleased to announce that the co-chair of the newly formed National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, Jody Broun, will present at the opening of the conference. ACOSS has long argued for a national representative voice for Australia’s first peoples and is especially proud to have the Congress playing a part in our annual event.

At a time when Australians’ material wealth has been booming, the ACOSS Conference will provide a forum for a diverse range of people to discuss the policy and practice which will put equality in Australia at the forefront of public debate,” Dr Goldie said.

To arrange media interviews call Fernando de Freitas – 0419 626 155

Find out more about the conference and program >>

Speakers include:
The Hon Wayne Swan | Treasurer
Jody Broun | Co-chair, The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
Adam Bandt | Greens MP, Member for Melbourne
Annabel Crabb | Political Editor, ABC Online
David Speers | Political Editor, Sky News
Don Henry | CEO, Australian Conservation Foundation
Eva Cox| Research Fellow, Jumbunna IHL, UTS
George Megalogenis | Columnist, The Australian
Jennifer Westacott | CEO, Business Council of Australia
Lesley Hall | CEO, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
Louise Tarrant | National Secretary, United Voice
Simon Sheikh | National Director, GetUp!
Tim Costello | CEO, World Vision
The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP | Minister for Health
The Hon Sussan Ley MP | Opposition Spokesperson for Employment Participation
Tshibanda Gracia Ngoy | Human Rights Young People’s Medalist 2011