Securing essential community services

Hundreds of thousands of people have only managed to endure the disruptions caused by COVID-19 because of the extraordinary care and help provided by community services. During lockdowns, social isolation, and economic chaos, more and more people have reached out to local organisations.

To navigate lockdowns and public health orders, services have had to be incredibly resourceful and creative to maintain quality care for their clients. But even with their hard work and creativity, only 6 per cent of services said they could always meet demand during 2021. Meanwhile, people’s need for help has only grown more intense and complex in the face of climate and health disasters.

The shadow of COVID is likely to be long, and community services must be given the resources they need to care for our community. That’s why we’re calling on all parties and candidates to create a Community Sector Continuity of Service Enabling Fund.

This fund will provide a vital boost in investment to community services weathering the pandemic, strengthen essential service delivery and guarantee sufficient resources for people to receive the care they need as they rebuild their lives.

Our key asks

  • Create a Community Sector Continuity of Service Enabling Fund to ensure continuity of service delivery, adaptation, secure jobs, prevent loss of jobs or income, and guarantee paid special leave for all workers
  • Improve indexation for community sector funding
  • Conduct an assessment of community need for essential services
  • Protect people at greatest risk from ongoing health impacts COVID-19

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