Federal Budget 2017


Click on a link below to read ACOSS’ analysis of the Budget measures in that area.

Revenue to
pay for the
benefits and services
we need

Social security

Making housing affordable

Essential services

Click here
to read our pre-Budget submission. 

2017 Budget Media 

ACOSS Budget Night media release – Budget 2017:  a welcome change of tack in health, education and housing, but vilification of people who are unemployed continues. 

ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie with community sector leaders at the Community Sector Press Conference, Wednesday May 10, Canberra

ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie has represented ACOSS in several Budget media interviews. Below are links to some of these:

ACOSS Post Budget Breakfast

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison addressed the annual ACOSS Post Budget Breakfast on Monday 15 May 2017. His speech focused largely on housing affordability.

ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie responded, presenting the views of the community sector. This was followed by a dynamic panel of high profile commentators, community, business and union representatives, chaired by Patricia Karvelas from ABC Radio National and Sky News Australia.

Panellists included:
• Dr Jackie Huggins AM, Co-Chair of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
• Dr John Hewson AM, economic expert, company director and former leader of the Liberal Party of Australia
• Laura Tingle, political editor, Australian Financial Review
• Heather Ridout AO, company director, Former CEO of Australian Industry Group
• Marcus Spiller, principle partner and director of SGS Economics and Planning
• Nadine Flood, national secretary, Community and Public Sector Union

People’s Budget 2017

ACOSS joined everyday people and organisations representing over 5 million Australians in Canberra on the day before Federal Budget to outline what a budget focused on people should prioritise.

The gathering of 100 Australian people emphasised the budget is more than an accounting exercise – it is about people and the type of community and environment we want to live in.

Organisations involved in the People’s Budget included:
1. National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
2. ActionAid
3. A24 Network
4. Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT
5. Amnesty International Australia
6. Australian Conservation Foundation
7. Australian Council for International Development
8. Australian Council of Social Service
9. Australian Council of Trade Unions
10. Australian Human Rights Commission
11. Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League
12. Australian Major Performing Arts Group
13. Animal Defenders Office
14. Australian Services Union
15. Australian Wind Alliance
16. Australian Youth Climate Change Coalition
17. Baptist Care Australia
18. Benevolent Society
19. Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals
20. Campaign for Australian Aid
21. CARE Australia
22. Caritas
23. Catholic Social Services Australia
24. Change the Record Coalition
25. Children and Young People with Disability Australia
26. Climate Action Monaro
27. Climate Action Network Australia
28. Close the Gap Secretariat and National Health Leadership Forum
29. CO Health
30. Community and Public Sector Union
31. Community Arts group Canberra
32. Community Council of Australia
33. Community Legal Centres NSW
34. Community Mental Health Australia
35. Darebin Legal Centre
36. Drug Arm Australasia
37. Eastern Peninsula Legal Centre
38. Family Violence Prevention Legal Services
39. Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria
40. Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA)
41. Fitzroy Legal Centre
42. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE)
43. Friends of the Earth
44. GetUp!
45. Green Institute
46. Green Music Australia
47. Maritime Union of Australia
48. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services
49. National Association of Community Legal Centres
50. National Council of Single Mothers and their Children
51. National Tertiary Education Union
52. National Union of Students
53. Oxfam Australia
54. People with Disability Australia
55. Playgroup Australia
56. Public Services International
58. SNAICC – National Voice for our Children
59. Social Ventures Australia
60. St Vincent de Paul Society
61. Tax Justice Network
62. Tear Australia
63. United Voice
64. UnitingCare
65. Volunteering and Contact ACT
66. Volunteering Australia
67. Women’s Electoral Lobby
68. Women’s Legal Services Australia
69. World Vision
70. WWF Australia
71. Youthlaw
72. YWCA Australia
73. 350.org