A message from ACOSS President, Hang Vo

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A key focus of my Presidency this year has been ACOSS’s commitment under our Strategic Plan, Impact Priority 1, ‘the community sector builds support for self-determination and justice for First Nations peoples, including support for Voice, Treaty and Truth, enabling participation of First Nations peoples in decisions that directly affect the outcomes for their communities’.

In line with this commitment, the ACOSS Board engaged in a dialogue with ACOSS First Nations Member Organisation leaders on how ACOSS and its membership could best serve as allies in support of First Nations organisations and their priorities, and what would be the most effective approach or model for doing so. Key outcomes included a plan to create two dedicated First Nations Director positions on the ACOSS Board, ensuring appropriate weight, representation and First Nations sector capability building, as well as range of priority actions, both for ACOSS and the sector, for strengthening and demonstrating our solidarity with First Nations organisations. We look forward to progressing this work, alongside our First Nations and other National Member Organisations, in the years ahead.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the CEOs and Chairs of ACOSS First Nations Member Organisations with whom we were privileged to meet. I am personally so grateful for your time and thoughtful reflections, as well as the opportunities to listen and learn, which you so generously afforded us during this crucial period for First Nations Peoples and our nation.

My sincere thanks also to my colleagues across the State and Territory Councils of Social Service (the COSS Network) for your time and support, as well as to the ACOSS Board, team and members. I look forward to working with you as we continue to progress our shared goal of an Australia that is free of poverty and fair and inclusive for all.