Who: ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie and representatives from Australia’s Community Sector
When: 10.30am Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Where: Senate Courtyard, Parliament House, Canberra
ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie will be joined by representatives from national charities and community sector organisations to provide a comprehensive response to the Budget at a press conference at 10.30am on Wednesday morning, in the Senate Courtyard of Parliament House in Canberra.
The groups will provide their reaction to announcements in the Budget which impact on people living on low incomes and others who are vulnerable in our community, and on the services on which they rely.
Media Contact: Fernando de Freitas 0419 626 155
Attendees at the press conference include:
- Australian Council of Social Service, Cassandra Goldie (CEO)
- Anglicare Australia, Roland Manderson (Deputy Director)
- Australian Council for International Development, Marc Purcell (Executive Director)
- Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, Matthew Wright (CEO)
- Australian Youth Affairs Coalition, Katie Acheson (Chair)
- Carers Australia, Ara Cresswell (CEO)
- Catholic Social Services Australia Liz de Chastel (Director of Policy)
- Consumers Health Forum of Australia, Leanne Wells (CEO)
- Council on the Aging, Ian Yates (Chief Executive)
- Early Childhood Australia, Samantha Page (CEO)
- Equality Rights Alliance, Helen Dalley-Fisher (Manager)
- Mission Australia, Catherine Yeomans (CEO)
- Multiple Sclerosis Australia, Deidre Mackechnie (CEO)
- National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, Karly Warner (Executive Officer) Warner and Cheryl Axleby (Deputy Chair)
- National Association of Community Legal Centres, Rosslyn Monro (Chair)
- National Council of Single Mothers & their Children, Terese Edwards (CEO)
- National Ethnic Disability Alliance, Dwayne Cranfield (CEO)
- National Shelter, Adrian Pisarski (Executive Officer)
- People with Disability Australia Craig Wallace (President), Therese Sands (co-CEO)
- The Salvation Army National Secretariat, Lt Col Samuel Pho and Captain Jason Davies-Kildea
- Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care, Gerry Moore (CEO)
- St Vincent de Paul Society, National Council of Australia, John Falzon (CEO)
- Welfare Rights Centre Sydney, Gerard Thomas (Policy & Media Officer)