For many struggling to get by on income support, a decent job is a life-changing pathway out of poverty and financial insecurity.
Right now, there are millions of people struggling to get by on the punishingly low JobSeeker rate. Many of them, including older workers, people with disabilities, and parents with young children, are languishing on JobSeeker long-term due to a lack of appropriate entry-level jobs and inadequate training and support.
To make matters worse, instead of supporting people to find paid work, we’re making their lives harder with harsh payment compliance arrangements, unreasonable job search requirements, and penalties for minor infractions like missing an appointment with their employment service provider.
If we’re going to ensure that everyone who needs a job can find one, we need a government that will change its approach, be more proactive in creating jobs where they are needed, and genuinely support people to transition into secure suitable paid work or appropriate training.
That’s why we’re calling on all parties and candidates to commit to introducing a Jobs and Training Guarantee to provide targeted support for people without paid work for over a year and replacing harsh compliance arrangements with a strengths-based approach.
Our key asks
- Sustained full employment, where the vast majority of people can obtain employment or the extra paid working hours they need.
- Introduce a flexible Jobs and Training Guarantee for people unemployed long-term, comprising of either subsidised temporary employment, substantial further education or training, or other help to connect them directly to suitable jobs.
- Ease harsh unemployment payment compliance arrangements, including automated payment suspensions, excessive activity requirements, and a lack of discretion for employment service providers and Services Australia to withhold penalties.
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